A consultation survey to gather views on the draft Bristol SEND and Inclusion Strategy 2024 to 2028 is open. Let us know your views by Monday 28 October 2024.

What you told us at feedback events and what we've done.

SEND survey 2021

Earlier this year we did a survey of over 200 parent carers with SEND And You (SAY) and the Bristol Parent Carers forum

The aim was to gain insight into the experience of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in education, and their families' experience with the overall Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan process. 

This was the second annual survey and is used to help shape the new SEND Partnership Plan and help us continue to improve SEND services in Bristol.

We've written a report of the findings and a statement of what we're going to do.

pdf Read the Parent and Carer consultation report 2021 (818 KB) .

pdf Read the SEND Partnership response to survey findings 2021 (184 KB) .

Your feedback

Listed below is the feedback you gave us and our responses. 

We want to know how the Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment process works

To support you in the Needs Assessment process, we are working to allocate families to an Assessment Coordinator early on.

However, because of the number of requests it's not always possible to allocate at the start of the process. 

The Assessment Coordinator will:

  • explain the process 
  • talk you through the next steps
  • coordinate the assessment process with all professionals 
  • keep you updated on the progress being made 

If you have any questions or concerns at any time, contact your Assessment Coordinator. 

If you haven't been assigned an Assessment Coordinator, contact the SEND team:

Find out more about the EHC needs assessment process

We want to know how the Annual Review process works

Every school, post-16 education provider and child or young person with an EHC plan will be allocated with a Senior Inclusion Officer. 

A Senior Inclusion Office is your long-term case worker. You can contact them with any concerns or questions you have about your EHC plan.  

This year, Senior Inclusion Officers haven't been able to meet every family face-to-face because of the Covid-19 restrictions in place. 

However, they are available to support you over the phone, or via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. 

The Senior Inclusion Officers are working with education providers and SENDCOs to make sure:

  • annual reviews are held in time 
  • reports are requested from the professionals named in the EHC plan in advance of the meeting 
  • professional reports are shared by the school with families at least two weeks before the review  

The Senior Inclusion Officer will work with you to make sure a decision and final plan is sent to you within statutory timescales.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact your Senior Inclusion Officer or the main SEND Team:

Find out more about annual reviews.

We want to find out who our statutory SEND team case worker is

Every child with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan and school in Bristol have an assigned case worker. 

You can find which case worker has been assigned to your school by contacting your school, or the SEND team:

If you've requested an EHC Needs Assessment, you will be allocated an Assessment Coordinator during the process. 

If an EHC plan is issued, you will receive an email to confirm who your Senior Inclusion Officer is, with their email address and telephone number.

We want timeliness of EHC Needs Assessments improved 

Bristol's SEND team have been working with families, schools and other professionals to improve the timeliness of processing EHC Needs Assessments. 

We have improved our processes so that we work closely now with health, social care and education services.

While we aim to complete assessments within 20 weeks we are also, at the same time, working on legacy cases, which are over the 20 week process timescale.   

We want an alternative to Proofpoint

We use Proofpoint to protect your data and information when we email you.

However, we are aware of the issues it can cause you in accessing emails. 

We're introducing a new email protection system called Encrypt.

Your case worker will ask if you prefer to be emailed with either:

  • Proofpoint
  • Encrypt
  • password protection on attached documents

If you choose password protection, you will receive a second email to confirm the password. 

This will make sure the emails we send you are easily accessible but also secure.

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