The Wheels Project Limited


Name:             David Glossop


Call:                  0117 971 1711


Key stage

Key Stage 4


East Central Bristol, North Bristol, South Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire


Part time


We run highly supervised courses in Motor Vehicle Repair and Road Safety for groups of 4-6 students. Each group will have exclusive use of our premises. Courses are designed to improve engagement, behaviour and attendance at introductory level and social and employment skills at subsequent levels. Courses have a strong focus on learning how to drive safely and legally, enhancing students’ independence and ability to access training and employment. Driver Theory Test and CBT awards.


  1.  Karts: Introductory 6 x 2.5-hour weekly sessions over 6 weeks working on and learning how to drive and service go-karts.
  2. Preparation for the British Schools Karting Championship: A 2-term course run in the winter over half a day a week with training for competitions at Avonmouth and other venues.
  3. Servicing: A progressive follow-on to Karts, this offers 6 x 2.5-hour weekly sessions over 6 weeks learning how to carry out basic servicing on cars.
  4. Community Vehicle Programme: a 2-term, one day a week course developing mechanical, social and employment skills whilst renovating a vehicle for a chosen charity. Qualifications in development at Entry 3, Level 1 and Level2.
  5. Pre-Rider Training for Mopeds (16+): 6 x 2.5-hour weekly session over 6 weeks to prepare students for Compulsory Basic Training. CBT certificate available at cost.
  6. Pre-Driver Training for cars (17+): 12 x 2.5 hour weekly over 12 weeks and prepare students for their Driving Test.

Meals provided

No meals provided

Transport provided

No transport provided

Operating times

During term time: Monday  to Friday

9.30am to 12 noon

12.30pm to 3pm