

Samuel Billingham


Call: 0743 225 0415


Key stage

Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4


East Central Bristol, North Bristol, South Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire


Part time


Edu-Action provides learning and enrichment opportunities that work towards recognised ASDAN accreditation for students with a range of additional needs. We do this by focusing education on projects that encompass literacy, numeracy, and communication. Our focus is to reintegrate students in mainstream or specialist full time education.

Edu-Action employ’s subject specialists that support students on a one-to-one basis. We have a Mechanic, Carpenter, Plasterer, Chef, Hairdresser or Make-up instructor and an Arts and Crafts specialist. Working with our tutors provides practical experience linked to their chosen ASDAN qualification.

Each student is assigned a mentor that has shared life experiences and an understanding of their needs and capabilities. Mentors focus on Social Emotional and Mental Health development. This is achieved by building relationships, trust and actively encouraging attendance by planning worthwhile sessions. Mentors establishing boundaries and expectations by always modelling correct behaviour choices.

We can support students that are at risk of permanent exclusion or have missed long periods of schooling. Edu-Action also fills the gap between exclusion and finding another suitable full time educational provision.

A typical week for a student includes Maths and English learning opportunities, an outdoor learning project, an activity of personal interest with a subject specialist and various enrichment experiences within the community.

We provide a post 16 provision for 12 hours per week based at Filwood Green Business Park. Students work towards functional skills English and Math’s. Receive careers guidance and support to gain work experiences, employment, and apprenticeships.


ASDAN curriculum
Functional skills English and Maths
Visit for more information

Meals provided


Transport provided

Transport is provided

Operating times

Bristol school term time
School holiday periods

9 am to 3 pm
9 am to 1 pm
2 pm to 4:30pm