How we've used your feedback to develop the Local Offer website in 2018 to 2019.
In March 2019 we launched Bristol's Local Offer new website.
In 2019, we had 72 comments about Bristol's Local Offer website. These came from:
- feedback submitted through Bristol's Local Offer website
- Bristol Parent Carers
- January 2019 survey for parents, carers, children, young people and professionals
- December 2019 SEND Drop-in event
What you told us
You told us that you:
- haven't heard of Bristol's Local Offer or know what it is
- had issues with the accessibility of the site
- need less complicated information
- are more likely to use social media to find information
- want information aimed at young people
- liked the directory of information on the Findability site
- had issues using the search function
- want images that represent the community
- want to see videos explaining content on the site
- need information translated into more languages easily
What we're doing to improve Bristol's Local Offer
In 2019 we:
- launched the new Local Offer website
- changed the content from the Findability site to make it more user-friendly (Plain English)
- recruited a full-time Local Offer Co-ordinator who started in November 2019
- moved the accessibility page to the top to help people find it more easily
- consulted with parents, carers and professionals
- launched SENCO termly bulletin
- developed and implemented feedback form to ask for your comments on the Local Offer
- promoted the Local Offer through a range of events for professionals and families
In 2020 we are:
- developing a young person's section
- updating the look and feel
- continually reviewing the content to ensure its up-to-date
- raising the awareness of the Local Offer by developing links with professionals, community groups and schools
- developing on-going working groups with professionals, young people, parents and carers
- reviewing the current website to meet our community's needs
Give us your comments
You can give us feedback about our SEND Local Offer using our online form.