What the Early Intervention Fund (EIF) is, the SEND Support Tool (SST) and dates for the EIF training
The Early Intervention Fund is open for applications. The closing date for the current round of funding is midnight 28 February 2025.
Targeted Support Fund renamed ‘Early Intervention Fund' (EIF)
The Early Intervention Fund (EIF) is for mainstream settings. It is designed to support children and young people with emerging needs being supported with Ordinarily Available Provision through SEN support.
The funding is intended to provide additional support at an early stage to enable children and young people to access education alongside their peers.
The closing dates for applications for the next rounds of EIF are:
- midnight 28 February 2025
- midnight 23 May 2025
EIF is:
- for mainstream primary and secondary schools to provide additional support at an early stage
- capped at £1 million and can issue grants of up to £2,500 per pupil
- based on the principles of inclusion and require clear evidence of a graduated response, reasonable adjustments and evidence-based intervention
Overview of the Early Intervention Fund
Useful documents
- document EIF guidance document (156 KB)
- document EIF application form (40 KB)
- pdf Early Intervention Fund Wave 1 training slides (123 KB)
- pdf Tips for completing the whole school provision map (349 KB)
SEND Support Tool (SST)
The SEND Support Tool (SST) is a new online resource that has been designed to help SENDCOs identify needs and provision across the four key areas of the SEND code of practice:
- communication and interaction
- cognition and learning
- social, emotional and mental health difficulties
- sensory and/or physical needs
Needs and provision can be selected and downloaded into a word document. This can be used in the child's support plan as part of the assess, plan, do, review, cycle.
The SST can also be used to submit an EIF grant request.
Useful documents
- pdf SEND Support Summary (628 KB)
- pdf SEND Support Tool Handbook (702 KB)
- document Whole school provision OAP template (50 KB)
To make applications to the EIF, SENDCOs must first attend an in-person training event in City Hall.
The training sessions will take place at the start of each term.
To apply, select course you want to attend. This will take you to the course booking page.
Access to the SEND Support Tool
To use the support tool visit: SEND Support Tool.