Advertise in the city centre

Advertise your business on our 8 showcase banners in the centre of Bristol.

We have 4 pairs of back-to-back flag-style banners by the fountains in Broad Quay.

city centre advertising

Benefits of advertising with us

You will get to advertise in a unique, busy location and any income above costs supports council teams and services.

If you advertise with us, we'll manage:

  • production
  • installation

You just need to supply print-ready artwork.

We also provide design services, if necessary.

How much it costs

Display costs vary depending on how many banners you want and how long you want to advertise for.

Costs include:

  • printing on the most durable banner material
  • installation
  • regular site visits
  • maintenance

The costs are for the same artwork on all the banners. There is an additional charge for extra artwork.

How to book

Bookings are available for 4 or 8 banners, at fixed 4 week periods.

For more information, costs and to book:

Sponsor and advertise on a roundabout

What is roundabout sponsorship, how it could benefit your business, how much it costs.

Sponsoring a roundabout helps you advertise your business while contributing to the maintenance and upkeep of parks and green spaces across Bristol.

Your sponsorship fee goes towards the maintenance of the roundabout you advertise on, and towards the upkeep of green spaces across the city.

Its a way for businesses to advertise locally, while making a positive contribution to Bristol's landscape.

Benefits of roundabout advertising

Roundabout sponsorship can raise your company's profile and promote your business to drivers, pedestrians and people on public transport.

Advertising on a roundabout in Bristol will help you to:

  • target specific audiences
  • raise awareness for your brand or message
  • display your brand or message in a prominent location, all year round
  • have an exclusive presence on Bristol's highways, free from other advertisers
  • enhance your reputation by investing in socially responsible advertising
  • show your commitment to Bristol and also to local communities
  • respond to our ecological emergency
  • contribute to a more attractive environment for our city

How much roundabout sponsorship costs

Sponsorship rates depend on location and traffic flow.

Sponsorship includes:

  • the annual sponsorship cost for up to four large signs on an individual roundabout
  • making and installing the sign
  • ongoing maintenance of the sponsored signs and roundabout

Roundabouts you can sponsor

We currently have 10 roundabouts that you can sponsor. Six more will be available soon.

Find out where the roundabouts are on our Bristol roundabout map.

For the latest availability, contact Mark Cadman at BommelUK. BommelUK manage roundabout sponsorship in Bristol on behalf of the council.

Sponsored signs are usually placed facing traffic approaching from each direction.

bristol roundabout sign

bristol roundabout sign photo

A-board guidelines

How and where A-boards can be placed on our pavements and roads.


We have introduced guidelines applying to any A-boards placed on pavements and footways.

We support businesses as key drivers for the local economy and recognise that in order for businesses to thrive and grow they must promote and advertise themselves.

However, there has been a trend for more A-boards over recent years, with these getting bigger and sometimes placed in unsafe locations. This poses difficulties for:

  • pedestrians
  • pushchair users
  • people with disabilities

We need to strike a balance between allowing the important need of businesses to advertise whilst protecting and enhancing the street environment for pedestrians to encourage walking as a healthy mode of travel.

We have adopted A-board guidelines providing advice about how and where A-boards should be placed on public footways or highway land.


Enforcement action will be taken where these guidelines are not complied with under existing Highway Law.

The guidelines on A-boards leaflet notifying businesses and the public of the guidelines are being distributed across the city through the Neighbourhood Partnerships, the business community and being made available at various public locations.

Inspection rounds began during October 2011. Businesses displaying A-boards not meeting the guidelines will be asked to remove their A-board or sign and notified of the guidelines on A-boards.

Businesses, which do not remove offending A-boards, will receive a Letter Before Action notifying them that we will remove their A-boards if action is not taken, which will be carried out following the serving of a legal notice.

If you would like any help or advice on the guidelines please contact us.