What the Bristol Quality of Life survey is, the latest results and data from previous surveys.

Quality of Life survey 2024

The survey for 2024 is open, with randomly selected households invited.

If you have been sent a letter asking you to take part, you can do so online at Bristol Quality of Life Survey 2024. The closing date is 28 October 2024.

We want views from under-represented groups

We would also like to hear from more people who are currently under-represented in our responses. These groups are:

  • young people aged 16 to 24 years 
  • those from racially minoritised communities
  • people who identify as trans, transgender, non-binary or genderqueer
  • people living in the wards Ashley and Central

If you're from any of these under-represented groups, even if you haven't received an invitation letter, you can complete the Quality of Life Survey 2024.

Quality of Life survey 2023/24

The Quality of Life (QoL) survey provides an annual snapshot of the quality of life in Bristol.

Extended headlines from the 2023 survey are available in the pdf Quality of Life 2023/24 Final Report (1.06 MB) , including:

  • how the 50 headline measures of lived experiences for people in Bristol have changed over the last few years, and how these experiences differ in the most deprived areas
  • a summary of 'actions to improve quality of life' that people want to see in Bristol
  • a new appendix with a summary of all ward and demographic group results

Full results from the 2023 survey are also available in the new Quality of Life 2023/24 data dashboard.

This includes all 240 QoL indicators (50 new for 2023/24), with trend data for each level reported where available. These are shown by:

  • citywide trend
  • all 34 Bristol wards
  • over 30 equality and demographic groups
  • the 10 deciles of deprivation within Bristol
  • the NHS Integrated Care Service (ICS) Locality Partnerships

The dashboard shows indicators, wards and equality & demographic groups that are better or worse than the Bristol average.

There are now over 75,000 data points, including trend data, which gives us a rich and detailed view of citizen perception in Bristol.

Quality of Life survey 2022/23

All data from QoL 2022/23 is available in the previous Quality of Life 2022/23 data dashboard. This is also included within the trend views on the new data dashboard.

The  pdf Quality of Life 2022/23 Final Report (864 KB) has full analysis of the 2022 survey, including:

  • 50 headline measures of lived experiences for people in Bristol, including the most deprived areas
  • a summary from almost 6,200 'actions to improve quality of life' in Bristol
  • a detailed appendix of headline results of all indicators, focusing on differences across wards and equality / demographic groups

Bristol's Quality of Life survey

The Quality of Live survey gives local residents an opportunity to voice their opinions about issues close to their hearts and their views on local public services. 

It has been an annual survey since 2001, but does change over time.  The statistics are analysed to a ward level and also equality groups such as age, sex and ethnicity.

The results are used by us, health services and other public sector partners to help plan local services, track change and improve the quality of life in Bristol.

The survey is our main tool for providing neighbourhood level statistics and public perception information.

The quality of life results cover topics such as:

  • health
  • lifestyles
  • community
  • local services
  • public perception about living in Bristol

Previous Quality of Life results

You can view previous results from 2018 via the new Quality of Life 2023/24 data dashboard, and full data from 2015 onwards is in the Quality of Life theme on Open Data Bristol.

Previous Quality of Life reports and data for 2005 to 2019 are also still available: