Schools, faith venues (places of worship) and community organisations in residents' parking areas can apply for up to seven permits.

This is different for Clifton Village.

Cost of permits

Easton & St Philips Residents' Parking Scheme

  • Business permits: £271 each
  • Customer permits: £282 each
  • Discounted Easton and St Philips business permit: £159
  • Discounted Easton and St Philips customer permit: £170

All other parking schemes

  • Business permit: £342 a year
  • Customer permit: £356 a year
  • Discounted business permit: £200 a year
  • Discounted customer permit: £214 a year

Discounted permits

Businesses in receipt of full Small Business Rate Relief, charities (as defined in section 1 of the Charities Act 2011), places of worship (as defined in Section 10 of the Equalities Act 2011) and educational establishments (who meet the definition of a school in Section 4 of the 1996 Education Act) can get a discount.

Get business and customer permits

You apply for and manage business and customer parking online. Our business permits are now digital so nothing needs to be displayed in the vehicle.  Customer permits will continue to be paper permits and will need to be displayed in the vehicle when used.

Your permits will be active straight after your application has been approved and paid for.

If you haven't got a MiPermit account to register and apply online you'll need:

  • an email address to register
  • your business rates NNDR account number, If you don't have this, you'll need to contact your Head Office or the bill payer to get the account number
  • your  organisation's postcode 
  • a debit or credit card to pay for your permit(s)
  • for business permits only you'll need a vehicle registration certificate V5C (log book) for each vehicle

If you have a MiPermit account to apply online you'll need:

  • to sign into your account

Get business and customer parking permits

Teachers parking in residents' parking areas

If you're a peripatetic teacher visiting students in their homes you can:

  • use pay display and shared spaces and park for up to three hours
  • ask for a visitors' permit
  • use off-street parking if this is available. 

If you're teaching at schools and other organisations you should speak to your employer about their off-street parking. You can also use pay and display for up to three hours.