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Abbie Webb

Type: Childminder

Phone:  0117 357 4192

Area: Hartcliffe and Withywood

Addrienne Newton

Type: Childminder

Phone:  0117 357 4192

Area: St George Central

Alexandra McMillan

Type: Childminder

Phone:  0117 357 4192

Area: Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston

Alice Solcombe-Say

Type: Childminder

Phone:  0117 357 4192

Area: Totterdown

Aline Chauhan

Type: Childminder

Phone:  0117 357 4192

Area: St George

Alison Fossard

Type: Childminder

Phone:  0117 357 4192

Area: Ashley

Amanda Mann

Type: Childminder

Phone:  0117 357 4192

Area: Redland

Amanda Martindale

Type: Childminder

Phone:  0117 357 4192

Area: Brislington

Amanda Matthews

Type: Childminder

Phone:  0117 357 4192

Area: Brislington

Amanda Willis

Type: Childminder

Phone:  0117 357 4192

Area: Brislington