From September 2024 until September 2025, under 2s from working families will be offered free childcare in Bristol in two ways:
- 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year
- 12 hours a week for 47.5 weeks of the year
In September 2025 this will double to:
- 30 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year
- 24 hours a week for 47.5 weeks of the year
Check if you're eligible
To find out if you are eligible you need to:
- apply on Childcare Choices (GOV.UK) to get an eligibility code
- present the code to your chosen childcare provider
When you can claim
You can claim from the term after your child is nine month's old.
Birth month | 9th months | Eligible from |
January | October | January |
February | November | January |
March | December | January |
April | January | April |
May | February | April |
June | March | April |
July | April | September |
August | May | September |
September | June | September |
October | July | September |
November | August | September |
December | September | January |
From April 2024 until September 2025, 2 year olds from working families will be offered free childcare in Bristol in two ways:
- 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year
- 12 hours a week for 47.5 weeks of the year
In September 2025 this will double to:
- 30 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year
- 24 hours a week for 47.5 weeks of the year
Check if you're eligible
To find out if you are eligible you need to:
- apply on Childcare Choices (GOV.UK) to get an eligibility code
- present the code to your chosen childcare provider
When you can claim
You can claim from the term after your child's second birthday, if their birthday is between:
- 1 April and 31 August you can claim from 1 September
- 1 September and 31 December you can claim from 1 January
- 1 January and 31 March you can claim from 1 April
These hours cannot be used at the same time as free early education for 2 year olds.
All three and four year olds in England are entitled to 570 hours free early education or childcare per year.
In Bristol this is offered in two ways:
- 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year
- 12 hours a week for 47.5 weeks of the year
You can claim from the term after your child's third birthday until they reach compulsory school age.
If your child's third birthday is between:
- 1 April and 31 August you can claim from 1 September
- 1 September and 31 December you can claim from 1 January
- 1 January and 31 March you can claim from 1 April
Since 2017, 3 and 4 year olds from working families have been offered free childcare in Bristol in two ways:
- 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year
- 12 hours a week for 47.5 weeks of the year
This can be used with their universal free hours, so doubles the time they can attend every week.
Check if you're eligible
To find out if you are eligible you need to:
- apply on Childcare Choices (GOV.UK) to get an eligibility code
- present the code to your chosen childcare provider
Search online for an extended hours childcare provider.
Hear what parents from across the country have to say about free childcare hours.
- Chelsea from Telford Go to (opens new window): returning to work earlier and spending more time with her daughter.
- Florentina from Brent Go to (opens new window): increased her work hours and her son received speech and language therapy.
- Debbie and Jamie from Devon Go to (opens new window): their daughter can go to pre-school five days a week and they can work full time.
- Ponnmalam from Brent Go to (opens new window): financial relief from the 30 hours childcare
- Letesha from Derby Go to (opens new window): able to do more things together as a family
- Claire from Leeds Go to (opens new window): gives you your independence back and not just being a mum all the time