The cost of your support is different depending on how much you need.

There are three levels of support, which all include our alarm response support.

  • Low: £8.50 per week
    24 hour alarm response plus one weekly face to face welfare check, and one weekly intercom check.
  • Medium: £16.28 per week
    24 hour alarm response plus two weekly face to face welfare checks, and one weekly intercom check.
  • High: £32.22 per week
    24 hour alarm response plus up to four face to face visits and even daily contacts during critical periods.

Housing benefit

You will not need to pay for support in supported housing if you're entitled to Housing Benefit or receive Universal Credit towards your eligible rent costs.

The mobile wardens who regularly visit sites carry out housing management tasks relating to the running of the site, monitoring and reporting requirements in communal areas and supporting the lettings of empty homes. 

There is a weekly charge for this of £7.26 included as a rent service charge which is eligible for the assessment of Housing Benefit and Universal Credit.