Apply for a premises licence and how much it costs.

Statement of licensing policy consultation 2025
Consultation closes: 28 April 2025.

You need permission to supply alcohol or entertainment or late night refreshment, on or off the premises.

A premises licence is granted for the life of the business.  You need to pay an annual fee on the anniversary date of the licence being granted.

If you're selling alcohol, you need to have a designated premises supervisor. You'll need to provide a consent form for a designated premises supervisor when you apply for your premises licence.

Who needs a premises licence

You need a premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 Go to (opens new window) to:

  • sell alcohol
  • provide food between 11pm and 5am

You'll also need a licence if you provide the following types of entertainment:

  • theatrical performance
  • showing a film
  • indoor sporting event
  • boxing or wrestling (indoor or outdoor)
  • live music
  • recorded music
  • dance

You'll still need a licence even if the activities are for charity.

You don't need a licence for some types of entertainment, including:

  • educational or promotional films
  • shown as part of an exhibition in a museum or gallery
  • incidental music - live or recorded

You must be over 18 to apply.

Entitlement to work

When you apply for a premises licence you must provide proof that you are eligible to work in the UK.

See Licence and Immigration Act 2016 for information on the Immigration Act 2016 and the documents we accept for proof of entitlement to work.

Before you apply

Read pdf How to apply for a premises licence (315 KB) .

You must also check:

  • if you need any other permissions, such as permission from the landowner to use the site
  • any restrictions, such as restrictions on planning permission or restrictions on your lease

The licence you get will not override these permissions and you must make sure you are complying with all restrictions.

Apply for a new premises licence

Apply for a new premises licence
on the GOV.UK website

You must apply to the licensing authority for the area where your premises are. Check which council area your premises are in Go to (opens new window) on GOV.UK.

You'll need:

The designated premises supervisor must have a personal licence to sell alcohol before the licence can be used to sell alcohol.

Other ways to apply

You can fill in and return:


The amount you pay is based on the rateable value of the premises. Premises that don't have a rateable value are in Band A for premises licences purposes. Premises under construction will fall into Band C. 

If your premises does not have a rateable value but is in a larger building or complex that does, the rateable value of the whole building or complex applies.

The rateable value is set by the valuation office.

Check the rateable value of the premises Go to (opens new window) on GOV.UK

There's a multiplier applied to premises in Bands D ( x 2 basic fee) and E ( x 3 basic fee) where they are exclusively or primarily in the business of supplying alcohol. 

Application fee and multiplier by rateable value
Non-domestic rateable value bandApplication feeMultiplier
A (£0 - £4,300) £100 0
B (£4,301 - £33,000) £190 0
C (£33,001 - £87,000) £315 0
D (£87,001 - £125,000) £450 £900
E (£125,001 and over) £635 £1905

There are additional fees if you intend to have more than 4,999 people on your premises at any one time. You'll need to pay these on application.

How to pay

If you apply online you pay directly with a debit or credit card.

If you apply by post you need to pay with a cheque or postal order made payable to Bristol City Council.

Tell people about your application

You must:

  • display a notice of the application at the premises for 28 days starting from the day after the application was submitted
  • publish a notice of the application in the Bristol Post or the Western Daily Press within 10 working days, starting from the day after the application was submitted

There are further requirements for both these notices (see our  pdf how to apply for a premises licence guidance (315 KB) for more information).

You need to check with us if you want to use a different local newspaper by emailing

The site notice must be:

  • on pale blue paper
  • A4 size or larger
  • font size 16 or larger

If you haven't advertised correctly, we won't be able to determine your application. You may have to reapply.

If you apply by post you'll also need to give notice of your application and copies of documentation on the same day that you make the application to the responsible authorities

Provisional statement

You can apply for a provisional statement for premises that are to be, or are in the process of being constructed, altered or extended to see if a licence would be granted. 

A provisional statement does not convert into a premises licence when the construction or development is finished. You'll need to apply for a premises licence when the work is finished.

Apply for a provisional statement Go to (opens new window) on GOV.UK

Other ways to apply

Fill in and return pdf application for provisional statement (553 KB) or document provisional statement (345 KB) .

What happens next

There's a 28 day representation period from the date you apply.  

After this has ended if there haven't been any representations from responsible authorities or relevant persons, and you've advertised correctly, then we'll grant the licence. We'll issue the licence shortly after.

If there's representation from a responsible authority or relevant persons, the licensing committee Go to (opens new window) will need to look at your application.  

We'll arrange a hearing with the licensing committee within 20 working days from the representation period end date. If a hearing is held a licence will be either:

  • granted
  • granted with some extra conditions
  • refused

If you want someone else to discuss your application or licence with us on your behalf, you'll need to give us written permission.

Tacit consent

Tacit consent applies to premises licences.

This means you can assume your application has been granted after the 28 day consultation period has ended, unless there have been representations from responsible authorities or relevant persons. 

Please contact us before using the licence, to make sure no representations have been made.