How and when to pay your annual premises licence fee.

Off-sales of alcohol extension: important update

The government have reconsidered the announcement to end off-sales of alcohol on 30 September 2023.

They have decided to extend the alcohol licensing regulatory easements relating to off-sales, set out in the Business and Planning Act 2020 (BPA), until 31 March 2025.

Find out more on Licensing Act 2003: regulatory easements consultation responses on GOV.UK.

Pay your fee once a year by the anniversary date of when your premises licence was granted.  You can find the anniversary date on the decision notice that will be sent with your premises licence.

You'll get an invoice from us around the time of the payment due date. 

How to pay

Pay your premises licence fee

Select Bristol City Council invoices

You'll need:

  • a debit or credit card
  • your invoice number

Other ways to pay

You can also pay:

  • by phone:  use the 24 hour automated payment line 0117 903 6402. The call will cost you 2p per minute plus any charges from your phone company
  • by post: send a cheque made payable to Bristol City Council; write your invoice number, name and address on the back of the cheque and send to Payment Processing (100TS), P O Box 3399, BS1 9NE 
  • at the post office: you'll need your bar coded invoice and payment; cheques should be made payable to Post Office Ltd
  • at a Paypoint: Go to (opens new window) you'll need your bar coded invoice; payments can only be made in cash. 


The amount you pay is based on the rateable value of the premises.  Premises that don't have a rateable value are in Band A for premises licences purposes. The rateable value is set by the valuation office.

Check the rateable value of the premises Go to (opens new window) on GOV.UK

There is a multiplier applied to premises in Bands D ( x 2 basic fee) and E ( x 3 basic fee) where they are exclusively or primarily in the business of supplying alcohol. 

Annual fee and multiplier by rateable value
Non-domestic rateable value bandAnnual feeMultiplier
A (£0 - £4,300) £70 0
B (£4,301 - £33,000) £180 0
C (£33,001 - £87,000) £295 0
D (£87,001 - £125,000) £320 £640
E (£125,001 and over) £350 £1050

What happens if the fee isn't paid on time

If you don't pay your annual fee on time we'll suspend your premises licence. This means you'll no longer be able to lawfully carry out licensable activities at the premises until you pay the fee and we lift the suspension.