How funding will be given to local areas from the Community Infrastructure Levy and Section 106 agreements
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and the Section 106 (S106) agreements
As part of the planning process, a developer often has to give money to the council to pay for improvements in the area where their development is happening.
This is usually through a planning charge called the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) but is sometimes through a planning obligation called a Section 106 agreement.
In Bristol, some of the CIL and S106 money received is allocated to Area Committees for spending decisions.
What S106 and CIL money is used for
Section 106 Funds
S106 funds are often explicitly for highways improvements, parks improvements and tree planting.
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
85% of CIL money raised is used to pay for city-wide projects delivered by Bristol City Council. For example, improving roads and schools.
Local CIL projects can be spent anywhere within the area covered by an area committee, as long as it aligns with the legal requirements for CIL usage.
Areas with a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) receive 25% of CIL funds raised within their area to support the priorities they've identified.
Local councillors allocate the funds through their area committees to support local priority projects, such as improving community centres or parks. There are nine area committees that cover the city.
Amount of available funds
The amount of funds depends on the number and scale of new developments that are taking place in each of the areas covered by the nine area committees.
CIL money is paid to the council throughout the year so each area's CIL fund increases every month.
Local CIL projects can be spent anywhere within the area covered by an area committee, as long as it aligns with the legal requirements for CIL usage.
The use of S106 funds must comply with the terms outlined in the legal agreement between the developer and the council.
Our quarterly reports show how much is available for each area committee, the amounts already allocated, and the purposes of each S106 fund:
Who decides how the money gets spent
Councillors work with the local communities in their wards to identify and prioritise neighbourhood improvements to fund using money that's available to them. Even where funding is insufficient in a given year, they are encouraged to discuss priorities that could be funded in future years or through an alternative pot.
Councillors make decisions about local funds once a year in the city's 9 area committee meetings.
How you can get involved
If you're interested in applying, see Area Committee Funding Process.
If you want to get involved you can:
- talk to your local ward councillor
- come to a community meeting